about us.

about us.

IndieVation LLC is an organization founded in Dallas, TX by CEO, Relicia Morrison.

In 2023, IndieVation was created to provide materials, resources, and finances for independent artists in need. After trial and error in her personal music career, Relicia learned that there is a need in the arts industry that must be met, specifically for independents. She began developing an organization to provide support for those who are having a hard time making their dream become a reality.

IndieVation is a faith based organization focused on provision & community.

"As we grow, there is no doubt that we will be the leading support system for independent artists across the world."

-Relicia Morrison , CEO of IndieVation



Our mission is to provide materials, resources, and grants to independent artists in the music, art, and gaming industries. Those who have been called by God into these industries should not have to constantly choose between following their dreams and struggling to provide for basic life needs. Artists should be able to live comfortably in their purpose. Economic hardship and lack of community support are dream killers. Creativity has built the world from the ground up and effort must go towards keeping it alive. We strive to keep dreams alive!

IndieVation believes that


has given gifts to everyone, which means that everyone has a natural right to be provided an opportunity to exercise that gift to the best of their ability.

Simple Outline Medium cross
Piano Keys Illustration



Music is a foundational element in the development of absolutely everything. Sadly, this industry has been oversaturated with "artists" who don't have anything of substance to contribute. Record labels have much fault in the state that the music industry is currently in. It's unfair that these "artists" receive the stage and spotlight while there are talented, skilled musicians and indie artists who have been called into music but are not in a position to be seen. This is usually due to a lack of equipment, resources, and finances. IndieVation seeks to shift this narrative by providing the the platform and tools that independent artists need. By keeping our platform SOLELY for indie artists, it not only provides a safe space for them; it also creates a strong community and network amongst people who once struggled alone but can now thrive within an organization built just for them.

Art equipment



Abstract Grunge Brush Line

The term "starving artist" was coined over 250 years ago, first mentioned by a writer name Henri Merger. Since when did it become a crime to make art just for the sake of making art? And why is it so easy for others to downplay an artist's dream because they feel "you can't make money that way"? Over time this narrative has changed and making a decent living off of creating and selling art has become a more attainable goal...but it could be easier. IndieVation seeks to supply grants, materials, and a platform to artists who are having a hard time living in their purpose. If a banana taped to a wall can make it into Art Basel and sell for $120,000 (seriously... look it up), then those who were called into the art industry deserve a space solely for them and their creations. We plan to expand into dance, photography/videography, and theater in the future! It is time to make room for true artists and we are here to help.

Computer gaming joystick. Gaming concept. Game controller.
Black geometric frame



As of 2023, the gaming industry in the United States is worth $56.84 billion dollars in revenue. Accumulating that much money in the US alone is an art within itself! The detailed intricacies of developing games cannot go unnoticed; what has been going unnoticed are the numerous indie game creators who do not have the same accessibility to resources that big gaming companies have. Now, this organization is not for creators who choose to work for a company; it is for those who are either transitioning from working for a company into developing work for themselves or those who have always been an indie game developer and need help getting their creations off of the ground. For independents, it all boils down to having support financially and within a community. Within IndieVation, a creator can find their team, build a new game, and gather supporters to test and purchase their games, all in one. We seek to put eyes on those who create for the love of creating.

It is their time now.

Donation, Hand Giving Heart to Another Hand



If you would like to donate used tech (music or gaming) or art materials (used-in good condition or unused) to our organization, mail them to our business address below:

If you would like to donate used tech (music or gaming) or art materials (used-in good condition or unused) to our organization, mail them to our business address below:

IndieVation LLC

10228 E Northwest Hwy #1135

Dallas, TX 75238

Check out the next page to see our donation list!

If you would like to donate monetarily to our grant/resource fund, click the link below to be redirected to our fundraiser:

If you would like to donate monetarily to our grant/resource fund, click the link below to be redirected to our fundraiser:

Orange Rectangle Button Illustration

Contact Us:


Hands of People Hold Letters Forming Phrase Thank You.

Copyright. 2023. IndieVation LLC. All Rights Reserved.